Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Review and Rewrite

imaging our city’s future

How can you get involved and learn more?

The City of Greenwood is now entering Round 2 of reviewing and rewriting our community’s Official Community Plan (OCP) and Zoning Bylaw (ZB). ​ During Round 2 of engagement, we need your voice on whether we are on the right track with the drafted vision, guiding principles, goals, and recommended updates.

Get involved!

Take the Online Survey

Open until January 9, 2025.

Drop In Community Event

Join us and share your ideas with members of the Project Team. Refreshments provided.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Time: 4:00- 6:30 PM

Location: McArthur Centre Community Hall

Address: 1355 Veteran’s Lane,  Greenwood, BC

What We Heard in Round 1

Thank you to everyone who participated in Round 1! In fall 2023, we talked to you about the project, how you could be part of it, and got your first impressions. We heard your feedback on what could be improved and your dreams for Greenwood. You shared this through an open house, survey, and youth photo contest. What we heard and learned from everyone is summarized in a report.

Take a look at our What We Heard Report here.

Updating our Community Plans

The City of Greenwood is reviewing and rewriting our community’s Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw. Community input is at the heart of this project, and there will be several opportunities for residents to share their perspectives and ideas to help shape the two documents.

The community’s Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw are two of our most important documents that guide how we should grow and develop, and they are over 20 years old. The City needs to review and revise both documents to ensure they reflect Greenwood’s connections to the past and aspirations for the future. 

We invite you to get involved to share your ideas to guide the future of our city!

What is an Official Community Plan (OCP) and Zoning Bylaw (ZB)?

Official Community Plan (OCP)

An OCP is a long-term plan for a community. It guides growth and development by describing a community’s vision for the future and includes objectives and policies to help achieve that vision.

Zoning Bylaw (ZB)

A ZB regulates the development and use of land within the City of Greenwood. It creates Zones to determine where commercial, industrial, and residential development can occur to ensure that the city grows and develops in a way that meets the community’s needs.

Tools that Guide Greenwood’s Development and Growth

As described in the Local Government Act, the OCP provides direction and support for many City plans and policies. The ZB is one of these policies.

About the Greenwood OCP and ZB – Imagining our city’s future begins now!

We’re excited to introduce the Official Community Plan (OCP) and Zoning Bylaw (ZB) Review and Rewrite Project, a collaborative initiative spearheaded by the City of Greenwood. Throughout the fall of 2023, we will host opportunities for community members to get involved.

The City has engaged a consultant, ISL, to support the development of an Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw review and rewrite. This process includes:

  • completing best practices research,
  • reviewing technical information,
  • reviewing existing Greenwood policies and strategies, and
  • gathering information and feedback from community members.

By summer 2025, we will have updated both documents to guide Greenwood’s planning and development! 

Project Timeline

1. Project Initiation and Launch

FALL 2023

2. Community Visioning


  • First meeting with OCP/ZB Advisory Committee
  • Round 1 of Community Engagement – Gathering ideas and future goals for the community

3. Confirming the Vision and Drafting the OCP and ZB (We are here)


  • Second meeting with the OCP/ZB Advisory Committee
  • Round 2 of the Community Engagement – Sharing the draft vision and guiding principles of the OCP and ZB

4. Refining and Finalizing the OCP and ZB

5WINTER 2024 to SUMMER 2025

  • Third meeting with the OCP/ZB Advisory Committee
  • Round 3 of Community Engagement – Revealing the draft OCP and ZB
  • Summer 2025: Adoption

More Information

Project Email:

Phone: 250-445-6644